Hoping someone can help, after misclicking i moved close to a 1000 files to my desktop. realising the error i attempted to stop the process at which point my finder hung. I then force relaunched my finder and now when the dektop reappears it attempts to draw about a 1000 icons on top each other after which the system crashes as the window server and finder are using 100% cpu.
I can't click into anything on the finder nor can i launch any programs accept those associated with my menu meters.
Does anyone know of anyway of removing all these offending files, I don't mind deleting them. Perhaps booting os x into a command line and removing them there, not sure how.
All help much appreciated,
Hoping someone can help, after misclicking i moved close to a 1000 files to my desktop. realising the error i attempted to stop the process at which point my finder hung. I then force relaunched my finder and now when the dektop reappears it attempts to draw about a 1000 icons on top each other after which the system crashes as the window server and finder are using 100% cpu.
I can't click into anything on the finder nor can i launch any programs accept those associated with my menu meters.
Does anyone know of anyway of removing all these offending files, I don't mind deleting them. Perhaps booting os x into a command line and removing them there, not sure how.
All help much appreciated,