How can I create an organizational chart using php?
Similar to a downline view.
Member 1 has 10 members under him/her (level 1)
Each person on level 2 could have 10 people under them etc..
Using mysql, I know I can create a select statement for the first level/second level (select * where referrerID=xxxx.
But when member 1 wants to view his/her whole downline, how can he/she see all of them?
When it comes to level 3, the referrerID will be the person from level 2, But I also need to have it referring to the level 1 person.
How can I do this?
And how the the org chart be created?
Thank you so much
How can I create an organizational chart using php?
Similar to a downline view.
Member 1 has 10 members under him/her (level 1)
Each person on level 2 could have 10 people under them etc..
Using mysql, I know I can create a select statement for the first level/second level (select * where referrerID=xxxx.
But when member 1 wants to view his/her whole downline, how can he/she see all of them?
When it comes to level 3, the referrerID will be the person from level 2, But I also need to have it referring to the level 1 person.
How can I do this?
And how the the org chart be created?
Thank you so much