i select a number of column, one of which is sum. so i need to use group by clause. at simple logic primery key should be enough, but it gives error so need to print all column name in group by clause
i think trader.id (primery key ) should be enough.
but it does not.
is there any way
i select a number of column, one of which is sum. so i need to use group by clause. at simple logic primery key should be enough, but it gives error so need to print all column name in group by clause
SELECT trader.name, trader.surname, trader.bagkur_no, trader.father_name,
trader.birth_place, DATEPART( yyyy, trader.birth_date) AS birth_year,
trader.address, sum( amount) AS amount
FROM purchase
INNER JOIN trader ON purchase.producer_id = trader.id
GROUP BY trader.id, trader.name, trader.surname, trader.bagkur_no, trader.father_name,
trader.birth_place, DATEPART( yyyy, trader.birth_date), trader.address
ORDER BY trader.id
i think trader.id (primery key ) should be enough.
but it does not.
is there any way