I'm using CR 2011 with a SQL Server database as my data source. I'm working for a startup that is developing a mobile app to hail cabs, and I need to develop a report that counts the number of orders based on the number of hails associated to it. In other words, I want to chart the order count for orders with 1 hail, 2 hails, 3 hails, and no hails. I am using 2 tables, an order table and a hail table, linking the 2 by hail id. In order to get hail counts, I am grouping by order ID, then doing a count of hail id's per order. I was able to count the orders with no hails by creating a formula called Hail/No Hail(if IsNUll(HailID)=True then yes else no). How do I group the orders based on orderID hail counts to get total orders by order count??
EX: No Hails 50 orders
1 Hails 75 orders
2 Hails 85 orders
3 Hails 40 orders
Order ID Hail ID
12345 54321
12345 54322
12345 54323
123467 54324
EX: No Hails 50 orders
1 Hails 75 orders
2 Hails 85 orders
3 Hails 40 orders
Order ID Hail ID
12345 54321
12345 54322
12345 54323
123467 54324