I have an access data source which produces data to put into a datalist, it all works fine but i would like to be able to "order by" from a drop down list. I am having difficulties getting the variable into the access data source. Here is the code: -
drop1 is the name of my drop down list, I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas or if I should approach it from a different direction?
I have an access data source which produces data to put into a datalist, it all works fine but i would like to be able to "order by" from a drop down list. I am having difficulties getting the variable into the access data source. Here is the code: -
<asp:AccessDataSource ID="AccessDataSource1" runat="server" DataFile="./mydb.mdb"
SelectCommand="SELECT [room_ID], [module_ID], [day], [start_Time], [end_Time], [start_Week], [end_Week], [priority], [booking_ID], [status] FROM [requests] WHERE [module_ID] CONTAINS ? ORDER BY ?">
<asp:FormParameter FormField="roomName" Name="module_ID" Type="String" />
<asp:FormParameter FormField="drop1" Type="String" />
drop1 is the name of my drop down list, I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas or if I should approach it from a different direction?