Seems when I'm working with the ORACLE database and I use a function in my sql statement I loose the first ordinal in my collection. Same SQL statment works with MS SQL.
For example.
works with SQL Server.
To get it to work with Oracle I need to select the same item twice.
Any thoughts?
To build may have to be the slow laborious task of years. To destroy can simply be the thoughtless act of a single day.
For example.
sqlString = "select Max(StudentID) myID from students"
rs.Open sqlString,oConn,adOpenKeyset,adLockOptimistic
bigID = rs("myID").value
works with SQL Server.
To get it to work with Oracle I need to select the same item twice.
sqlString = "select Max(StudentID) useless,Max(StudentID) myID from students"
rs.Open sqlString,oConn,adOpenKeyset,adLockOptimistic
bigID = rs("myID").value
Any thoughts?
To build may have to be the slow laborious task of years. To destroy can simply be the thoughtless act of a single day.