I have a little script that:
1)logs into the database. it executes a statement.
2)if there are no rows, it send a message there are NO rows.
3)if there are rows in the file it send a message that there are rows.
Below is that sample of the script and the sql statement.
When I ran the script manually, it works properly.
HOWEVER, when I schedule it through CRONTAB, it does not work, it executes but give opposite message. That is, it says there are rows when there are no rows in the database.
Maybe there is a permission problem but all the files and directory have 775 permission. Please help
shell script
SQL statement
The spool file should contain - no rows selected
crontab entry
I have a little script that:
1)logs into the database. it executes a statement.
2)if there are no rows, it send a message there are NO rows.
3)if there are rows in the file it send a message that there are rows.
Below is that sample of the script and the sql statement.
When I ran the script manually, it works properly.
HOWEVER, when I schedule it through CRONTAB, it does not work, it executes but give opposite message. That is, it says there are rows when there are no rows in the database.
Maybe there is a permission problem but all the files and directory have 775 permission. Please help
shell script
export ORACLE_SID=sid
export ORACLE_USER=sidname
export ORACLE_PW=$(crypt `hostname` < encrypted.pwd)
chmod 775 statement.txt
if (grep $NAME statement.txt); then
echo "There are NO rows in READY STATE on `hostname` "| mailx -s "Rows" 73319199@paging.com
echo "There are rows in READY STATE on `hostname` "| mailx -s "Rows" 73319199@paging.com
mv statement.txt Log
cd Log
mv statement.txt statement-`date +%m.%d.%Y`
SQL statement
spool statement.txt;
set heading off;
select enq_timestamp, msg_state, delay_timestamp
from table
crontab entry
5 12 * * * . /etc/profile; . $HOME/.profile; /export/home/oracle/statement/statement.sh* > /dev/null 2>&1