Would you mind explaining why you need a separate download of just the installer? Every Oracle product I've ever gotten on CD or from a download has always come bundled with the installer. As far as I know, you should already have an installer with whatever software you've purchased.
I have an old PB4 program that needs the Oracle Client on the computer. It works on our windows 95 systems but will not work on our new windows 98 systems. I get the error " Unable to connect to database: DBMS OR7 is not support in your current installation. I try to create a new data source in the ODBC Administrator in the control panel, but get another error stating that I will have to get the client from Oracle. So I go to oracle, it will only let me download the 8.0 version and not the 7.3 version (it was password protected) that is ask for. So I downloaded it. Well it needs the universal installer to install. So there you go.
If I understand you correctly, you are trying to install one of the Oracle ODBC drivers that you downloaded from the Oracle technolgy network (OTN). I found them at
You are right that the installation of these drivers presupposes that an Oracle installer is already available on your client. If you don't have an install CD available, you can download the Oracle client from OTN. The web page for this is
The Oracle 8 client should come bundled with the Oracle 8 installer. By the way, I'm fairly sure that this is not the Universal Installer. I think the Universal Installer was new with Oracle 8i.
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