I am trying to use the Oracle pre compiler on a Cobol program and it is creating an error on this line:
01 SQLCTX GLOBAL PIC S9(9) COMP VALUE +1027525961.
The error is:
The number of digits or the position of the decimal point in a "VALUE" literal was not compatible with the "PICTURE" definition of the subject data item. The "VALUE" clause was discarded.
The SQLCTX line was inserted into the program by the compiler and I am not sure what to do. The person who used to maintain this app has retired but left me a note that this would happen and I needed to modify the file that this bug creates before the compile completes. I don't know what that means...
Has anyone encountered this error and know the solution?
01 SQLCTX GLOBAL PIC S9(9) COMP VALUE +1027525961.
The error is:
The number of digits or the position of the decimal point in a "VALUE" literal was not compatible with the "PICTURE" definition of the subject data item. The "VALUE" clause was discarded.
The SQLCTX line was inserted into the program by the compiler and I am not sure what to do. The person who used to maintain this app has retired but left me a note that this would happen and I needed to modify the file that this bug creates before the compile completes. I don't know what that means...
Has anyone encountered this error and know the solution?