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Oracle Personal and Oracle Enterprise editions

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Technical User
May 22, 2003
Good morning!!!
I've installed Oracle 8.0.3 Personal Edition at my computer with Windows NT, and I want to install Oracle Enterprise 8.1.7 at the same pc, but I'd like not to desinstall the other installation. Is this possible? It´s so, what must I do to avoid problems? I know a different ORACLE_HOME is necessary but I don´t know if I need to do something else.

Another question, how can I know the size of my tables, I mean, the percentage of datafile that is being used by the actual objects of the tablespace?¿

Thanks a lot,
Hi silvia,

Installing under separate directoris should be fine. Also check that you have enough RAM to run both. Otherwise you can stop one Oracle (set to manual startup in control panel/services) and start the other one.

To find out how much used and free space is left in each tablespace try the following

SELECT a.tablespace_name,NVL(ROUND(SUM(a.bytes)/1024/1024),0) AS "Total/MB",(SELECT NVL(ROUND(SUM(b.bytes)/1024/1024),0) FROM dba_segments B WHERE b.tablespace_name = a.tablespace_name GROUP BY b.tablespace_name) AS "Used/MB", (SELECT NVL(ROUND(SUM(c.bytes)/1024/1024),0) FROM dba_free_space c WHERE c.tablespace_name = a.tablespace_name GROUP BY c.tablespace_name) AS "Free/MB" FROM dba_data_files a GROUP BY a.tablespace_name
SQL> /

TABLESPACE_NAME                  Total/MB    Used/MB    Free/MB
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------
ABC_TEST                              100          1         99
CWMLITE                              1520          9       1511
DBAUTIL_DATA                           10                    10
DBAUTIL_INDEX                          10                    10
DRSYS                                  20         10         10
EXAMPLE                               238        138        100
HR_INDEX                                5          0          5
HR_TABLESPACE                          10          2          8
INDX                                   25                    25
ITS_GED_PROD                         1100         66       1034
ITS_GED_PROD_1                        500         29        471
MICH                                  100         33         67
ODM                                    20          9         11
OEM_REPOSITORY                        155         49        106
QUEST01                               500         27        473
SYSTEM                                940        619        321
TOOLS                                  10          6          4
UNDOTBS1                              400         24        376
UNDOTBS2                              100          1         99
USERS                                 125          3        122
XDB                                   138         38        100

21 rows selected.

Good luck and hope this helps

Good morning!
I've stopped all Oracle services and I've tried to install the new version of Oracle. But when I press the install button the installation ends and no message error is shown.

In order to check the used space I've run the following query:

SQL> col tablespace_name format a14 heading TABLESPACE
SQL> col allocated format 999,999 heading "Mbytes|ALLOCATED"
SQL> col free format 999,999 heading "Mbytes|FREE"
SQL> col "%_FREE" format 999.9
SQL> compute sum of allocated free on report
SQL> select a.tablespace_name, a.bytes/1024/1024 "ALLOCATED",
2 sum(b.bytes)/1024/1024 "FREE",
3 round ((sum(b.bytes)/a.bytes),3) *100 "%_FREE", count(*) "# OF CHUNKS"
4 from sys.dba_data_files a, sys.dba_free_space b
5 where a.file_id = b.file_id
6 and a.tablespace_name=b.tablespace_name
7 group by a.file_id, a.tablespace_name, a.bytes
8 /

Mbytes Mbytes
-------------- --------- -------- ------ -----------
SYSTEM 30 9 30.6 1
USER_DATA 3 1 34.2 2
ROLLBACK_DATA 15 3 19.9 1
USERS 20 20 99.9 2


Any idea? I must do something else before beginning the installation.
Thanks a lot.
Hi Silvia,

Your system tablespace is almost full. Try increasing its size by adding another datafile to it.

alter tablespace system add datafile ' '

Also make sure that normal users default tablespace is not system. Find out this from sys.dba_users and change it to another one. Better creating a new user1 tablespace and make this tablespace default tablespace for other users. You may decide to drop unwanted tables in system which belong to normal users (be careful) or migrate them to the new tablespace.

See how it goes
better still resize it

alter database datafile '<file path>' resize 100m;

I follow your recommendations and I've resized the system tablespace. Besides I've executed the following query to check how many users use this tablespace as default_tablespace:

SQL> select username,default_tablespace from sys.dba_users;

------------------------------ ------------------------------

7 filas seleccionadas.


Most users make use of the user_data tablespace as you can see. And I can´t still install the Oracle Enterprise. Any other idea?¿
What platform are you installing on ? there is a known problem with the Oracle Installer for 8.1 and P4 machines

:-S, I'm installing on a pentium 4 procesor. I read the bugs in the release notes and I saw the problem but it was referenced to Java and Oracle, wasn´t it?¿
Oracle Installer (OUI) is written on Java. You may find a dozen of threads here on this account.

Regards, Dima
Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) for RDBMS 8.1.x Hangs on Machines with
Pentium 4 Processors
Versions Affected
Oracle Universal Installer version and earlier versions (bundled
with products in 8.1.X CD packs).
Platforms Affected
Any platform that uses the Intel Pentium 4 processor with
Sun JRE and Symantec JIT will encounter this problem.
Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows 98 and NetWare operating systems are
confirmed to be affected.
The Oracle Universal Installer hangs when installing Oracle 8.1.x Server and Client products
on machines that use Sun JRE and Symantec JIT.
Likelihood of Occurrence
Any Oracle Universal Installer and earlier installation on a platform
that uses the Intel Pentium 4 processor, with the Sun JRE and Symantec
Just in Time Library (JIT) will encounter this problem.
Possible Symptoms
The failure is manifested in these ways:
- The affected application simply terminates.
- The installer hangs, quits, dies or disappears.
- The hourglass appears, disappears and nothing else happens.
1. Obtain the OUI application (~15.3MBs) under patch number 1507768 in Metalink:
a. Click Patches button
b. Enter 1507768 in the Patch Number field
c. Click Submit
d. Download the patch
2. Unzip the patch to a temporary directory.
3. Uncompress the resulting Jar file (~20MBs).
4. Navigate to the following subdirectory under the temporary directory where the patch was unzipped and rename symcjit.dll
cd <temporary_directory>\Disk1\stage\Components\oracle.swd.jre\\1\DataFiles\Expanded\jre\win32\bin
Rename symcjit.dll to symcjit.dll.old
5. Navigate to:
6. Run the setup.exe program from the current directory and install the OUI to your hard disk.
7. Use/Invoke this installed OUI from Start menu > Programs, to install
Oracle 8.1.x and related products.
Workaround 1:
1. Create a temporary directory on your server.
2. Copy the entire contents of the Oracle RDBMS Server CD
to the temporary directory created in step 1.
3. Search the directory structure created in Step 1 for the existence of
the filename symcjit.dll.
4. Rename each copy of the symcjit.dll to symcjit.old.
5. Run the setup.exe from the install\win32 directory (under the directory
on your hard disk used in Step 1) and install Oracle 8.1.x and related products.
Workaround 2:
If you continue to experience any of the symptoms after performing Workaround 1, follow these steps:
1. Copy the contents of the \install directory on your CD-ROM to a temporary directory
on your hard disk.
2. Search for all copies of the 'symcjit.dll' file both in and under the directory
from Step 1, and rename them to 'symcjit.old'.
3. Navigate to the directory you created in Step 1, and open the 'oraparam.ini' file for editing.
Please note this file is write-protected, and the properties of the file must be
changed to allow writing before editing.
4. Change the JRE_MEMORY_OPTIONS parameter to
JRE_MEMORY_OPTIONS=-nojit -ms64m -mx128m
5. Save the oraparam.ini file.
6. Navigate to the win32 subdirectory, under the directory you usedin Step 1, and run the
setup.exe program.
If you have tried Workarounds 1 and 2 and still experience problems, please
do the following:
Workaround 3:
1. Navigate to: Start> Settings > Control Panel > System
2. Select the &quot;Advanced&quot; tab
3. Click the &quot;Environment Variables&quot; button
4. Highlight the PATH entry and click &quot;Edit...&quot;
5. Copy down the current PATH setting.
6. Remove any entries that refer to previous JRE directories
Note: Care should be taken when editing the system path. Incorrect
edits can prevent Windows or other applications from starting properly.
7. If any entries were removed, repeat Workaround 1 or 2.
Patch 1507768 is available on Metalink, and should be installed
using the Fix section of this article.

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