Hi All,
Have had success using Access 97 reading Oracle binary notes fields BUT has anyone been able to use Access 2000 to read the Oracle long raw data types ?
This is how I display Oracle Long Raw Images from our database in ASP pages. I dont know if you can do it in Access97. Both ASP and Access use variations of Visual Basic but I dont know how different they are.
dim con
dim rs
target = session("target"
Response.ContentType = "image/jpg"
Set con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
con.Open "Provider=MSDAORA;Data Source=Live; User ID=xxx;password=xxx;"
Set rs = con.Execute("SELECT image_data FROM images where image_object_id=" & target)
Response.BinaryWrite rs("image_data"
Hi bookouri !
Thank you so very much for your reply !!!
Will test out Response.BinaryWrite rs("image_data" with Access 2000 now. Have no problem with Access 97, only 2000.
Will let you know if this works. Best Regards, Steve.
Hi Bookouri,
The BinaryWrite method writes the specified information to the current HTTP output without any character conversion. This method is useful for writing non string information such as binary data required by a custom application.
Unfortunately I need to convert the data stored in this field to text and then select records based on text in this converted field.
This might work in a case where one just needs to display the data.
Thanks again, Steve.
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