We have created a new oracle schema/users and granted just about every priviuledge I can think of.
But we are receiving an error when trying to call a trigger/procedure defined in aanother .inp form
FRM-40504: ORACLE error -- unable to execute a SAVE_N_EXIT trigger.
the SAVE_N_EXIT (along with many other triggers) is defined within an oracle 3 .inp form.
Does any know the privledge and reason why a new schema cannot access this trigger or what specific things are required to execute a foems trigger!
But we are receiving an error when trying to call a trigger/procedure defined in aanother .inp form
FRM-40504: ORACLE error -- unable to execute a SAVE_N_EXIT trigger.
the SAVE_N_EXIT (along with many other triggers) is defined within an oracle 3 .inp form.
Does any know the privledge and reason why a new schema cannot access this trigger or what specific things are required to execute a foems trigger!