I have a question regarding how the Oracle 10g Express Edition calculates the 'Space Allocation' amount that is displayed on the Administration > Storage page. For instance on my desktop installation the Space Allocated figure is given as 770mb. That figure is 105mb Lower than the figure I get if I run:
which in my case is 875mb.
gives a total of 669.13mb.
Is there some other total I need to add or subtract from either of these amounts to get the 770mb figure?
My experience is primarily with MSSQL so I'm not sure what I need to look for in Oracle.
Thanks in advance.
Select 'Allocated Perm (MB) : '|| round(sum(bytes)/1024/1024/1024,2) mb from dba_data_files
Select 'Consumed Total (MB) : '|| round(sum(bytes)/1024/1024/1024,2) mb from dba_extents
Is there some other total I need to add or subtract from either of these amounts to get the 770mb figure?
My experience is primarily with MSSQL so I'm not sure what I need to look for in Oracle.
Thanks in advance.