Has anyone come across this - I have seen some related info but is conflicting.
I have win 95 and Oracle 8.0.4. I installed sqlplus 8.0 with Net8 and networking tools using the installer.
-set up an instance called dev1 tried to connect via scott/tiger system/manager but comes back with TNS protocol adapter error and no listner.
-Configured a new listner and this instance to this listener - still no joy. My lsnrctl start or status reveals the tns error.
-My tnsnames in net80 admin shows this new instance. I have also tried hostname as and name of my machine without joy
Howver; when I install PO8.0.4 (same CD) then I can connect to sqlus using scott/tiger. Can somebody please explain this? I did not want to install PO 8.0.4 - just sqlplus.
can anyone please assist?
Has anyone come across this - I have seen some related info but is conflicting.
I have win 95 and Oracle 8.0.4. I installed sqlplus 8.0 with Net8 and networking tools using the installer.
-set up an instance called dev1 tried to connect via scott/tiger system/manager but comes back with TNS protocol adapter error and no listner.
-Configured a new listner and this instance to this listener - still no joy. My lsnrctl start or status reveals the tns error.
-My tnsnames in net80 admin shows this new instance. I have also tried hostname as and name of my machine without joy
Howver; when I install PO8.0.4 (same CD) then I can connect to sqlus using scott/tiger. Can somebody please explain this? I did not want to install PO 8.0.4 - just sqlplus.
can anyone please assist?