Hi all,
I installed Oracle 8i Lite in a Toshiba Laptop running
W2K but I could not run SQL+ 8 because after entering
the default login:SCOTT and pwd:TIGER (as in the doc's)
and leaving the third box empty (HOST STRING??) the
program returns an error ...could not connect to the
host. I am a begginer with Oracle, what do I have to
config before and ODBC DSN? I think the server may not
be running that's why it does not connect to the sample database (POLITE) how to set it? Please help...
Alexandre @lmarton Marton
I installed Oracle 8i Lite in a Toshiba Laptop running
W2K but I could not run SQL+ 8 because after entering
the default login:SCOTT and pwd:TIGER (as in the doc's)
and leaving the third box empty (HOST STRING??) the
program returns an error ...could not connect to the
host. I am a begginer with Oracle, what do I have to
config before and ODBC DSN? I think the server may not
be running that's why it does not connect to the sample database (POLITE) how to set it? Please help...
Alexandre @lmarton Marton