CAN YOU HELP ME? Oracle 10g
I have tried to make 'RESTORE DATABASE' but the result was :
RMAN-03002;failure of recover command at 03/1272009 14:08:40
ORA-1455:converting column overflows integer datatype
RMAN-06031;could not translate database keyword.
Can you help me?
n.b. I already make a restore dei controlfile.
CAN YOU HELP ME? Oracle 10g
I have tried to make 'RESTORE DATABASE' but the result was :
RMAN-03002;failure of recover command at 03/1272009 14:08:40
ORA-1455:converting column overflows integer datatype
RMAN-06031;could not translate database keyword.
Can you help me?
n.b. I already make a restore dei controlfile.