I am using visual basic 6 and I want to add rows to a table in oracle.
If I use a recordset and assign to the source the name of a table it gives the ora-00900 error, however if I use the sql "select * from tabla1" it doesn't throw the error. The error appears just after rs.open
rs as new adodb.recordset
rs.source = "tabla1"
---It throws the error
rs.source = "select * from tabla1"
---It doesn't throw the error
If I use a recordset and assign to the source the name of a table it gives the ora-00900 error, however if I use the sql "select * from tabla1" it doesn't throw the error. The error appears just after rs.open
rs as new adodb.recordset
rs.source = "tabla1"
---It throws the error
rs.source = "select * from tabla1"
---It doesn't throw the error