Hi, we have an old ass option 51 running on rls 25.15 which is having problems.
The core is making a grinding noise and needs to be replaced asap. The breakers in the back trip every now and then, we have the xsm disabled for now to see if it happens again.
My main issue right now is that the voicemail is down and I can not get it back up. I have already tried 2 install tapes, 3 new hard drives and a new MMP40 and New VP card. All fail the install with the same error code of 1470. It says to check your tape and hardware and try again. I am not even sure if the "new parts" I am getting are even good. I might be getting bad hard drives, who knows..?
Any idea what my next step might be? I am thinking the backplane on the mail module might be fried since this pbx gets reset by the customer constantly over the past few years if the T1 goes down.
The core is making a grinding noise and needs to be replaced asap. The breakers in the back trip every now and then, we have the xsm disabled for now to see if it happens again.
My main issue right now is that the voicemail is down and I can not get it back up. I have already tried 2 install tapes, 3 new hard drives and a new MMP40 and New VP card. All fail the install with the same error code of 1470. It says to check your tape and hardware and try again. I am not even sure if the "new parts" I am getting are even good. I might be getting bad hard drives, who knows..?
Any idea what my next step might be? I am thinking the backplane on the mail module might be fried since this pbx gets reset by the customer constantly over the past few years if the T1 goes down.