Client written application using SQL Server was designed to be on local servers at each facility. Instead of individual local facility servers, each of the sixteen facilities has its own database on the corporate SQL Server cluster. All of the .mdf and .ldf files are on a SAN.
Should there be a performance difference between using the current sixteen databases verses a single corporate wide version? Either way SQL resides on the same hardware and supports the same user volume. The question is will SQL Server have an appreciable performance improvement in having a single application database verses having sixteen?
In general is breaking database applications into multiple database a way to improving server performance? Conversely would combining identical databases into a single database improve server performance?
Should there be a performance difference between using the current sixteen databases verses a single corporate wide version? Either way SQL resides on the same hardware and supports the same user volume. The question is will SQL Server have an appreciable performance improvement in having a single application database verses having sixteen?
In general is breaking database applications into multiple database a way to improving server performance? Conversely would combining identical databases into a single database improve server performance?