Parameters have been setup for Start and End Date for the user to enter the date as yyyy/mm/dd. The database field is actually a datetime field. I created a formula @trndate
converting the datetime to just a date thru this formula: date({APTRN.TRNDTTM}). My selection criteria is {@trndate} in {?StartDate} to {?EndDate}
The selection criteria for the dates are not being processed on the server side. I read an article that I could create the following sql expression:
is not a recognized built-in function. What function do I use instead?
CRXI 11.5
Db Type: OLEDB (ADO)
Sql server
converting the datetime to just a date thru this formula: date({APTRN.TRNDTTM}). My selection criteria is {@trndate} in {?StartDate} to {?EndDate}
The selection criteria for the dates are not being processed on the server side. I read an article that I could create the following sql expression:
is not a recognized built-in function. What function do I use instead?
CRXI 11.5
Db Type: OLEDB (ADO)
Sql server