Is there any way to optimize this sql, hopefully by removing the subquery?
select distinct e.*, c.arraignment_dt, c.case_nbr, c.citation_nbr, c.court_cd,
(select count(*) from def d1
where d1.case_id = c.case_id and d1.warrant_request_flg = 'N') as num_warrant_N,
/* sort column */ CASE when arraignment_dt is null then 0
when (exists(select * from def d1
where d1.case_id = c.case_id and d1.warrant_request_flg = 'N')) then 1
when (c.arraignment_dt is not null) then 2
END as sort_order
from edc_queue e inner join casefile c on e.case_id = c.case_id
inner join case_dr cd on c.case_id = cd.case_id
inner join def d on c.case_id = d.case_id
where not exists(select * from def d1 where (d1.custody_flg = 'Y') and d1.case_id = d.case_id)
Is there any way to optimize this sql, hopefully by removing the subquery?
select distinct e.*, c.arraignment_dt, c.case_nbr, c.citation_nbr, c.court_cd,
(select count(*) from def d1
where d1.case_id = c.case_id and d1.warrant_request_flg = 'N') as num_warrant_N,
/* sort column */ CASE when arraignment_dt is null then 0
when (exists(select * from def d1
where d1.case_id = c.case_id and d1.warrant_request_flg = 'N')) then 1
when (c.arraignment_dt is not null) then 2
END as sort_order
from edc_queue e inner join casefile c on e.case_id = c.case_id
inner join case_dr cd on c.case_id = cd.case_id
inner join def d on c.case_id = d.case_id
where not exists(select * from def d1 where (d1.custody_flg = 'Y') and d1.case_id = d.case_id)