Hi there,
What is the 'Best' mode when converting to PDF using Distiller in order to obtain the smallest file size? The PDF file that I'm created conatined charts and words plus a very small jpeg file.
This is the $64k question, and many things are factors.
There are default job options for distiller which will give you different file sizes, but usually at the expense of quality. You can choose these from the distiller window.
The lowest setting is screen, but this can be adjusted to suit.
If you choose to embed fonts then this can also up the file size.
What format was the original document? There are lots of things you can do to that before thinking about your PDF. One surprising fact is that a gif or jpeg will distill to a much larger size from Microsoft Word than a larger, more bloated bitmap file (!?!) Derren
[Mediocre talent - spread really thin]
Thanks Derren for the information.
I'm converting PDF from Crystal Report 8. I guess I'll play around the setting in my Acrobat 5 and figure out my 'best' setting.
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