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Optimising Program

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Oct 3, 2003
Hi all

I hope someone can help me out with this.

I am trying to write a program to return the dependency of a patient at each contact made to them.

I have a database to start with that has all contacts made to every patient. I need to check each contact for the patient and see how many other contacts fall into all surrounding 7 day periods. I need to take the largest number of contacts and there durations and determine from that the patients dependency.

I have written something that works however it is extremely slow.

I'd appreciate if anyone could look at the following code and suggest any ways in which i could speed it up. I'm tied to using an access database at present.

Its not the tidiest of code at present, so apologies for that.

Private Sub cmdDependencyCalculation2_Click()
'Set up variables
Dim visitArray, durationArray
Dim sqlLimitPatients
Dim CurrentDate As Date
Dim CurrentPatient, CurrentPatientDiscipline, Dependency As String
Dim i, j, visitCount, maxDuration As Integer

Call DeleteDependency
'Initialise visitArray
visitArray = Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

'set up connection string to CPE2000 database and then open.
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
cn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & "Data Source=" & DBase


'Set up recordset, open up LHCC_CONTACTS table within CPE2000 database
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rs.Open sqlLimitPatients, cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

'Check size of recordset and go to first entry if possible
If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
End If

Set rsReduced = New ADODB.Recordset
Set rsReducedContacts = New ADODB.Recordset
Set rsRC = New ADODB.Recordset
rsRC.CursorLocation = adUseClient

Set rsOutput = New ADODB.Recordset
rsOutput.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rsOutput.Open "LHCC_Dependency", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

Do While rs.EOF = False
  CurrentPatient = rs.Fields("PATIENT_NO")
  visitCount = 0 'For each seven day period around current date of visit, count of visits is carried out. This variable stores the highest of these.
  maxDuration = 0 'As with visit_count only the highest duration sum over the period.
  j = 0 'Temp variable for loop
  durationArray = Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) 'array to store duration sums for each of the 7 seven day periods

  sqlGetContactsForPatientNumber = "SELECT * FROM LHCC_CONTACTS WHERE LHCC_CONTACTS.Patient_No = '" & CurrentPatient & "'"
  rsReducedContacts.CursorLocation = adUseClient
  rsReducedContacts.Open sqlGetContactsForPatientNumber, cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
  CurrentPatientDiscipline = rsReducedContacts.Fields("Discipline")
  'clone so that we can use both in calculations
  Do While rsReducedContacts.EOF = False
  CurrentDate = rsReducedContacts.Fields("DATE_OF_VISIT")
  durationArray = Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
  For i = -6 To 0 Step 1
    'For each iteration of the loop these variables store the first and last dates of the seven day period
    daterangestart = DateAdd("d", i, CurrentDate): daterangeend = DateAdd("d", j, CurrentDate)
    'SELECT query produced on the fly for each iteration of the loop.
    'Returns the records where visits fall within the current 7 day period.
    'From this it is easy to do a recordcount to get number of visits
    sqlReduced = "SELECT * FROM LHCC_CONTACTS WHERE LHCC_CONTACTS.Patient_No = '" & CurrentPatient & "' AND LHCC_CONTACTS.Date_Of_visit between #" & daterangestart & "# and #" & daterangeend & "#"
    rsRC.Open sqlReduced, cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
    visitArray(i + 6) = rsRC.RecordCount
    If rsRC.RecordCount <> 0 Then
    Do While rsRC.EOF = False
    durationArray(i + 6) = durationArray(i + 6) + rsRC.Fields("Duration")
    durationArray(i + 6) = 0
    End If
    j = j + 1
    'Loop throgh both visitArray and durationArray to get value in each.
    'Both these values are then assigned to variables
    For k = 0 To 6 Step 1
      If visitArray(k) > visit_count Then
        visit_count = visitArray(k)
      End If
      If durationArray(k) > maxDuration Then
        maxDuration = durationArray(k)
      End If
    'At this point we have a patient number, maxduration, visit count, and discipline.
    If visit_count > 5 Or maxDuration > 180 Then
      Dependency = "high"
    ElseIf maxDuration > 60 And maxDuration <= 180 And visit_count <= 5 Then
      Dependency = "medium"
    ElseIf maxDuration <= 60 And visit_count <= 5 Then
      Dependency = "low"
    End If
    With rsOutput
        .Fields("Patient_No") = CurrentPatient
        .Fields("Discipline") = CurrentPatientDiscipline
        .Fields("Dependency") = Dependency
    End With

End Sub

Hopefully the idea that i'm trying to convey makes sense, if not then i'll try and elaborate if necessary.

Thanks in advance

You'll have to remove the looping to increase your processing speed. You can use the aggregate functions of SQL in calculating the max duration, visit count and the like. Here is a bit of T-SQL that will demonstrate how you can get this type information using the aggregate functions. I have not tested it in Access, and was coded using SQL Server, but it seems to return the desired results…

set nocount on

create table #temp
	Patient_No int,
	Date_Of_visit smalldatetime,
	duration_of_visit int

-- test case > 8 days ago
insert into #temp
select 1, dateadd(day, -8, convert(varchar, getdate(), 1)), 60

-- test case 7 days ago
insert into #temp
select 1, dateadd(day, -7, convert(varchar, getdate(), 1)), 15

-- 1 day ago, low dependency 
insert into #temp
select 2, dateadd(day, -1, convert(varchar, getdate(), 1)), 15

-- 1 day ago, high dependency
insert into #temp
select 2, dateadd(day, -1, convert(varchar, getdate(), 1)), 180

-- 4 days ago, medium dependency
insert into #temp
select 3, dateadd(day, -4, convert(varchar, getdate(), 1)), 62

-- 10 days ago, high dependency
insert into #temp
select 3, dateadd(day, -10, convert(varchar, getdate(), 1)), 200

-- 10 days ago, high dependency
insert into #temp
select 4, dateadd(day, -10, convert(varchar, getdate(), 1)), 200

select 	Patient_No, 
		Dependency=case when (sum(NumberOfVisitsOnThisDate) > 4 or max(MaxDuration) > 179 ) then 
			case when (max(MaxDuration) between 60 and 179) then 
from (
	select 	Patient_No, Date_Of_visit, 
	from #temp
	where datediff(day, Date_Of_visit, getdate()) <=7 -- within the last seven days
	group by Patient_No, Date_Of_visit
	) as a
group by Patient_No

--raw data
select * from #temp
drop table #temp


&quot;You guys pair up in groups of three, then line up in a circle.&quot;
- Bill Peterson, a Florida State football coach
Thanks for that. I'll look into adding it into my project and see if it speeds things up.

Your help is much appreciated.
Hi Mark

I've been trying to get round the example that you posted. Its a great start but i don't think it quite does what the original code does (Please correct me as i may be wrong).

In my original program the idea is as follows:

It takes a record, then checks the patient_number. From that patient number it then has to check the date_of_visit for that patient_number to get the maximum number of contacts made to that patient within a surrounding 7 day period of that date. It also has to work out the highest sum of dependency for any of the seven day periods around that date. From those values the dependency is calculated. The program will then go onto the next record which may well be the same patient but another date_of_visit.

As i say before, correct me if i'm wrong but i think the code you posted checks for any visits made to any patient within seven days of the current date_of_visit.

Could you confirm this and suggest any ways that i may alter this code. I'm relatively new to SQL and a need the assistance.

Thanks for your help.
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