Currently I have two queries that access different inforamtion from tables, I was wondering if I could get the same inforamtion from using just one query. Currently it takes too long to process.<br>---------------------------------------------------------<br><br>StrQuery = "SELECT CustName from Customer where CustID = " & rsbac("CustId"<br><br>Set rsba = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset"<br> rsba.Open StrQuery ,"DSN=Architron; UID=sa; PWD="<br><br>StrQ = "SELECT Max(FileDescription.UploadDate) as LastBackup from FileDescription where FileDescription.CustId = " & rsbac("CustId"<br><br>Set rsbacus = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset"<br> rsbacus.Open StrQ ,"DSN=Architron; UID=sa; PWD="<br><br>---------------------------------------------------------<br><br>Grateful for any help thanks. If you need more info just post telling me, thanks.<br>