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Opps! Sorry, I misunderstood.

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Oct 23, 1998
The idea for this thread comes from a misunderstanding in another thread. (I won't mention which one.)

[blush]Has anyone misread/misheard something and come up with the wrong idea. Or better yet, is anyone willing to admit to it. For example, I read a thread title that said, Server Virtualization. I thought it said, Virtual Sterilization.

Now is the time to clear your mind and give everyone else a good laugh.

James P. Cottingham
[sup]I'm number 1,229!
I'm number 1,229![/sup]
Doesn't count as misheard/misunderstood, more trying to appear more intelligent.
I was talking to an engineer friend I asked him how his troglodyte (theodolite!!) works. He nearly p****d himself there and then and couldn't look at me for days after, embarrassed, moi? Surely!!!!

A lesson learned though, :)

Shake well" on a container of blue cheese dressing -- completely misread as "Slate and shell". That was after the go congress -- "Slate and shell" is a vendor of go equipment, and is also a type of expensive go stones (slate for black stones, shell for white stones).

"That time in Seattle... was a nightmare. I came out of it dead broke, without a house, without anything except a girlfriend and a knowledge of UNIX."
"Well, that's something," Avi says. "Normally those two are mutually exclusive."
-- Neal Stephenson, "Cryptonomicon"
One of my friends took her sisters very old sickly moggy-cat to the vet. The vet said that the cat was ill, and it may cost lots to make it better, or he could just put it down.

Chum rang sister who said (just like Nike) "Just do it".

When chum got home sisters kids appeared saying
"Where is moggy then!!!!!"

Chum said "Ah...So, when you said JUST DO IT you meant JUST SPEND THE MONEY ON THE CAT......"

Two little scottish girls took quite a while to forgive thier aunty for that particular event. And she wasn't even invited to the cat's funeral.


The question should be [red]Is it worth trying to do?[/red] not [blue] Can it be done?[/blue]
Our pastor frequently changes the message board in front of our church. One Sunday, he posted "Every Believer Has A Message". As I was pulling into the parking lot, I only glanced at it and could have sworn it said "Every Beaver Has A Message". Of course, I had to mention that to him, and he took great joy in repeating it to the entire congregation during the service. [blush]

A friend of mine was a lady missionary in Mexico for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (aka "LDS Church" or "Mormon Church"). As you may know, young men and women that serve such missions are not allowed to date during their service.

Early on during her mission, as she was still learning Spanish, she and her lady-missionary partner rushed out of their apartment to attend a missionary conference. After they arrived, one of the young male missionaries pointed out that the new missionary had forgotten to take out one of her hair rollers in the rush to get to the conference.

Rather than thanking the young man for pointing out her oversight, she blushed and got embarrassed. The young man asked, "¿Por qué se ruboriza usted?" ("Why are you blushing?")

Thinking that she was using the proper cognate, she replied, "Estoy embarazada y la culpa es tuyo." She realised too late that she must have made a translation error when the young man started to blush and everyone that had heard her comment started to hoot and tease the young man.

It was then that her more Hispanically literate partner pointed out that "embarazada" doesn't mean "embarrassed"...it means "pregnant" -- She had just told the male missionary, "I'm pregnant and it's your fault!"[blush]

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)
[I can provide you with low-cost, remote Database Administration services: see our website and contact me via www.dasages.com]
I was at a restaurant, having lunch with some co-workers. While one of my co-workers was ordering a meal, the waiter asked him if he would like soup or salad with his meal. Well, he heard "Supersalad", and replied, "Yes, that sounds great!
I don't really mind misunderstanding what has been said. I often think that what I think I hear is far more entertaining than what was actually said. And I believe this thread fully supports that!

Wars have been started for less ... ;-)

Spend an hour a week on CPAN, helps cure all known programming ailments ;-)

There is a famous BBC radio cricket broadcast that brought in hundreds of complaints. It was a commentator (known as Jonners) who was heard to say "welcome back to Delhi, where England are right in the sh*t". What he actually said was "welcome back to Delhi, where England are righting the ship".

I had a similar problem a while back visiting London, I was looking for music by a poorly known group and a guy in a shop told me their CD "was a bit of sh*t". I was taken aback to start with, I know my taste in music is not great and Londoners speak their mind. But after a short discussion, what he actually said was that the CD "was a British hit". Oops!

same difference ne c'est pas ;-)

Spend an hour a week on CPAN, helps cure all known programming ailments ;-)

Mid 1980's, my college apartment, during a party:

I'm nearby as my friends/college classmates Ben and Amy are having a conversation. They're just friends, not a couple. Although not a part of their conversation, I could not help but overhear a bit of it. I suppose I stared.

Amy noticed my puzzlement looked at me as if to say, "What?!"

I said, "Amy, did you just ask Ben if he has any offspring?"

Looking a bit stunned, she said, "No, I asked if he had any aspirin! I have a headache!"

Apparently, when my ears don't hear right, they just fill in the blanks.


"Although many figures are strange, prime numbers are truly odd."
My Driving Test, about 5 minutes from the end:

Examiner: "Turn right at the next crossroads"

Reach crossroads, turn right into [red] ONE-WAY STREET[/red] into path of oncoming bus!!!!

SFX: Horns blaring, shouted swear words.

Examiner:"You fool, I said turn right [red]after[/red] the next crossroads!"

But Hey, nobody died, right?


Varium et mutabile semper Excel

Weeeelllll.... If you mean "Did I fail to achieve a sufficiently low standard of driving to debar me from being denied the opportunity to go without not having a driving licence" then Yes!

Or maybe No

My head hurts...


Varium et mutabile semper Excel

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