Is MS Access 2000 projects suitable for 50 remote concurrent users?<br>What are the difference between AC2000 and VB for front-ends?<br>Any helpful tips for developing front-ends?<br>Should I use unbound forms and if so why?
It really depends on how well you design your database. If you have normalised your database then, while you may have complete data integrity, you may also have locking problems (with many cross table joins). You should consider denormalising(!!!) your DB to some extent.<br><br>As for binding a form, in a large concurreny system I would strongly suggest you stir clear as that can lock large block of data. <br><br>As for the suitable front end, I don't know much about FoxPro but from my own expereince I can suggest VB - better than access, but not as easy to program (at first anyway).<br><br> <p>Cal<br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= > </a><br>
Good point about de-normalising a database.<br><br>Is there really a lot of difference between the VBA in Access and the full VB?<br>Surely in a well designed database you shouldn't have to use much more than basic recordset operations & some data validation? (well thats what I was hoping )<br><br>Anything more complicated can be put in a SP?<br><br>
I don't think that MS had intended Access to be used for larger concurrent systems, however post a message in the Access forum to see what those guys experience of larger Access systems are. I'd say you would be ok for a fifty user system with a SQL Server back end.... <p>Cal<br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= > </a><br>
We had an Access 97 Front-End/SQL Server 7.0 Back-End application with between 30 and 60 concurrent users at any one time. No problems at all, in fact the performance was wonderful. There were actually about 110 users total, but not all concurrently. We had a dedicated NT Server strictly for SQL Server (Dual Pentium II 450, 750 mb Ram, 3 9 Gig scsi hot swappable hard drives (it screamed).<br><br>We used SQL Scripts, Stored procedures, Access Functions, and Pass-through Queries for our data manipulation. Everything was unbound. All writing was done with ADO, and reading was done with ADO or PT Queries. All security was custom written in Access, and we used NT Integrated security for login issues.<br><br>I have developed both Access and VB front-Ends with SQL Server Back-Ends, and they are both great products. I have been programming Access since version 1.1, and only done VB for about 3 years, so I am slightly biased towards Access, because I believe the development time is shorter than with VB. However VB is a powerful tool, and you won't go wrong with either one.<br><br>As far as Fox Pro goes, it may work, but it is hard to find very many folks who have used it. I know from experience, as we had a VFP app we were trying to hire someone to maintain, and the 2 or 3 people who responded wanted a fortune. With VFP, you don't have a network of those who can assist (forums, newsgroups) that can even come close to the other products. Besides, isn't Fox Pro on it's way out? (or at least shouldn't it be on it's way out )<br><br>I think you need to determine which product your developers know best, and go with that, as you won't have the learning curve time involved should you go with the product they know the least. Both Access and VB can do the job, the rest is up to you. Good Luck.<br> <p>Jim Lunde<br><a></a><br><a href=
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