I'm looking for opinions on the search engine visibility of this site:
Much appreciated.
Much appreciated.
Follow along with the video below to see how to install our site as a web app on your home screen.
Note: This feature may not be available in some browsers.
<!--#include virtual="/include/var.asp"-->
function domain()
'retrieve domain name from server
domain = lcase("[URL unfurl="true"]http://"[/URL] & request.servervariables("HTTP_HOST"))
end function
' convert a pagename to predefined anchor text defined in PageNames()
Function AnchorText(PageName)
PageName = Lcase(PageName)
dim i
AnchorText = PageName
For i = 0 to Ubound(PageNames)
if PageName = PageNames(i,0) then
AnchorText = PageNames(i,1)
end if
end function
' capitalise first letter of string passed to function
function Capitalise(strText)
Capitalise = ucase(left(strText,1)) & lcase(mid(strText,2))
end function
' breadcrumb trail navigation
Function BreadCrumbs()
Dim strPathArray
Dim intMaxIndex
Dim strPath
Dim strHTML
'split current path into an array
strPathArray = Split(Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO"), "/")
intMaxIndex = UBound(strPathArray)
' start of breadcrumb
strHTML = "You are here: " & vbNewline
strHTML = strHTML & "<a class='" & strNavStyle & "' href='" & domain() & "'>" & strHomeAnchorText & "</a> " & vbNewline
strPath = "/"
' parse the path array
For intIndex = 1 To intMaxIndex
' change default.asp for whatever the default doc is
if lcase(strPathArray(intIndex)) <> "default.asp" then
strPath = lcase(strPath & Server.URLPathEncode(strPathArray(intIndex)))
if intIndex = intMaxIndex then
strPath = strPath & "/"
end if
strHTML = strHTML & " -> <a class='" & strNavStyle & "' href='" & strPath & "'>" & AnchorText(strPathArray(intIndex)) & "</a>" & vbNewline
end if
BreadCrumbs = strHTML
End Function
'CSS style for navigation
const strNavStyle = "breadcrumb"
const strHomeAnchorText = "Anchor text for site landing page"
' page name array for use with breadcrumb script
' set array to suit number of pages
dim PageNames(40,1)
'array(n,0) is the pagename including extension or the foldername
'array(n,1) is the anchor text for page
PageNames(0,0) = "pagename.asp"
PageNames(0,1) = "Keyword Anchor text"
PageNames(1,0) = "foldername"
PageNames(1,1) = "Anchor for folder"
PageNames(2,0) = ""
PageNames(2,1) = ""
PageNames(3,0) = ""
PageNames(3,1) = ""
PageNames(4,0) = ""
PageNames(4,1) = ""
PageNames(5,0) = ""
PageNames(5,1) = ""
PageNames(6,0) = ""
PageNames(6,1) = ""
PageNames(7,0) = ""
PageNames(7,1) = ""
PageNames(8,0) = ""
PageNames(8,1) = ""
PageNames(9,0) = ""
PageNames(9,1) = ""
PageNames(10,0) = ""
PageNames(10,1) = ""