I am having trouble with following:
<A href="javascript:NewPopupWindow('showitemdetails.cfm?systemconfig=#Session.sShoppingCart[SCItems][4]#&custom=#Session.sShoppingCart[SCItems][5]#')" style="" target="" class="ProductMenu">
Everytime I click on the hyperlink, the hourglass comes up beside the mouse pointer until I click stop. It seems like the code is hung (but what do I know).
Also, how can I size the window?
<A href="javascript:NewPopupWindow('showitemdetails.cfm?systemconfig=#Session.sShoppingCart[SCItems][4]#&custom=#Session.sShoppingCart[SCItems][5]#')" style="" target="" class="ProductMenu">
Everytime I click on the hyperlink, the hourglass comes up beside the mouse pointer until I click stop. It seems like the code is hung (but what do I know).
Also, how can I size the window?