I am trying to use openldap for first time. I installed the phpldapadmin and when I goto login i am not sure about the username and password i am supposed to enter.
my base.ldif looks like this:
dn: dc=localhost,dc=com
objectclass: dcObject
objectclass: organization
o: Example Company
dc: example
dn: cn=Manager,dc=localhost,dc=com
objectclass: organizationalRole
cn: Manager
I did "slappasswd -h" to set a password. When i enter this password without entering any username I end up going to login screen again. When I enter username as "Manager" and enter the password set with "slappasswd -h" I get an error like this:
Could not bind to the LDAP server.
LDAP said: Undefined attribute type
Error number: 0x11 (LDAP_UNDEFINED_TYPE)
Description: The attribute type specified is invalid.
I could put my slapd.conf for review if that helps. thank you
I am trying to use openldap for first time. I installed the phpldapadmin and when I goto login i am not sure about the username and password i am supposed to enter.
my base.ldif looks like this:
dn: dc=localhost,dc=com
objectclass: dcObject
objectclass: organization
o: Example Company
dc: example
dn: cn=Manager,dc=localhost,dc=com
objectclass: organizationalRole
cn: Manager
I did "slappasswd -h" to set a password. When i enter this password without entering any username I end up going to login screen again. When I enter username as "Manager" and enter the password set with "slappasswd -h" I get an error like this:
Could not bind to the LDAP server.
LDAP said: Undefined attribute type
Error number: 0x11 (LDAP_UNDEFINED_TYPE)
Description: The attribute type specified is invalid.
I could put my slapd.conf for review if that helps. thank you