I have set my opendialog to have 3 filters. (fcc,acv,psp).
Now depending of the kind of extension it is selected, i will be processing the files in different maners.
Is there an easy was to find out what kind of file is been opened? Or should i just parse the filename until i find the .xxx extension? The proplem is if the computer is set not to show know extensions, that may not work.
Right now, i have something like that:
openDialogCurves.InitialDir := GetCurrentDir;
openDialogCurves.Options := [ofFileMustExist];
openDialogCurves.FilterIndex := 1;
if openDialogCurves.Execute then
//if extension is acv then processacv
//if extension is fcc then processfcc
Now depending of the kind of extension it is selected, i will be processing the files in different maners.
Is there an easy was to find out what kind of file is been opened? Or should i just parse the filename until i find the .xxx extension? The proplem is if the computer is set not to show know extensions, that may not work.
Right now, i have something like that:
openDialogCurves.InitialDir := GetCurrentDir;
openDialogCurves.Options := [ofFileMustExist];
openDialogCurves.FilterIndex := 1;
if openDialogCurves.Execute then
//if extension is acv then processacv
//if extension is fcc then processfcc