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Opening file excel2003,2007 give me error different formate error why and how solve 1

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Dec 6, 2012
Can any one help me
i have files in network found in computer and it sharing to another computers
I come morning and try to open excel files it not open
the message error to show to me "the file you are trying to open attendance...xls is different format than
specified by the file extension verify the file is not corrupted and is from trusted source before opening the file do you want to open the file now"

and when i try to open the file i found file as encrypted data and with character unreadable
the file excel with office 2003 and 2007
more files not open
i install open office.org
2-install Microsoft excel viewer
3-i try try repair by selecting file then open-repair and convert value no benefit
4-i test the files in domain and outside domain no benefit
computer work in windows server 2003 operating systems
Can any one give me solution to open the files if possible

I'm not going to tell you this is the fix, but I had the same problem this morning. I had a file, rpcss.dll, that AVG said was was infected. I needed to run Windows Recovery Console and replace the file (c:\windows\system32) from a known good Windows XP machine. After doing that the XLS files opened okay.
It sounds like it was saved in the new Excel format (xlsx), but with the "xls" extension. I would make a copy of the file, and rename the extension of the copy from .XLS to .XLSX, and double-click that and see if it opens.
I rename the file and change it from xls to xlsx but nothing happen
and same error show
Are there are any solution
Can any one have solution for this
please data i lost is very important and urgent
if any one have solution please help me
I test link above and try all nothing show or return are any solution if possible
i need only data inside excel are there are any thing can show this data
Have a look at the file in notepad.

1) Does it look like binary data with [Content_Types].xml in the first few bytes - this is xlsx format
2) Does it look like binary data - this is xls format
3) Does it start <? xml version="1.0" ?> - this is xml that can be renamed to xls

Is it something else?
this is formate of data as following :
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this is formate of file as above
i try to open by
1-microsoft excel viewer
3-office 2007 and office 2003
any formate not accept
also notepad and word pad not open
the result as above charachter not readable
if any solution please help me if possible

Oh dear.

This pretty much confirms that your file has been encrypted. Without knowing anything about the encryption used there's nothing we can really help with. If it was not deliberately encrypted it is possible that a PC on your network has been infected with one of the various ransomware trojans that are around (e.g. Cryptolocker).
None of the computers involved has something like Dell Data Encryption running on them does it?? They can be set to encrypt shared folders or external hard drives on other network computers. You would have to un-encrypt from the PC that has the software. Just a hopeful thought vs. the malware encryption mentioned.

"Living tomorrow is everyone's sorrow.
Modern man's daydreams have turned into nightmares.
>Just a hopeful thought vs. the malware encryption mentioned.

I simply suggested malware as a possibility "if it was not deliberately encrypted"

"Living tomorrow is everyone's sorrow.
Modern man's daydreams have turned into nightmares.
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