I have created a dummy project in Excel with columns for task name, predecessors, duration & fixed cost. I am trying to open this in Excel using the File, Open, Files of Type, Microsoft Excel Workbooks menu. I have set up a map as required to map the various Excel columns to the appropriate MS Project field. I have a total of about 150 tasks in the Excel file all with their own predecessor, duration & fixed cost column.
Sometimes the file opens perfectly and can be used as a standard MS Project project. Other times it leaves out some of the task names and some of the predecessors. I have formatted all the columns in Excel as text format (although I have also tried the Fixed Cost column as a number).
It seems to have difficulty with the predecessor field when there are 2 predecessors for one task.
Regarding the task name field I can find no logic behind why it leaves out some task names and not others. For instance in a recent file I had the task names 'Procure V130' and 'Procure K 110'. MS Project reads the latter OK but just leaves a blank in the task name for 'Procure V130'. For this task it reads the predecessor and duration fields OK.
I am using MS Project 2000 SR-1 and Excel 2000 SR-1.
Can anyone offer any suggestions as to how I can fix this problem? Or an alternative way around the problem.
Sometimes the file opens perfectly and can be used as a standard MS Project project. Other times it leaves out some of the task names and some of the predecessors. I have formatted all the columns in Excel as text format (although I have also tried the Fixed Cost column as a number).
It seems to have difficulty with the predecessor field when there are 2 predecessors for one task.
Regarding the task name field I can find no logic behind why it leaves out some task names and not others. For instance in a recent file I had the task names 'Procure V130' and 'Procure K 110'. MS Project reads the latter OK but just leaves a blank in the task name for 'Procure V130'. For this task it reads the predecessor and duration fields OK.
I am using MS Project 2000 SR-1 and Excel 2000 SR-1.
Can anyone offer any suggestions as to how I can fix this problem? Or an alternative way around the problem.