Hi All,
I have a script that is using sqlplus to pull information from a database. I need this in a excel report to then email to the business.
I have done it to create a csv file, looks fine but when I then open the file with excel the phone numbers have any leading zeros removed.
How can I retain the leading zeros when opening in excel? I have managed this before but cant remember how, I think the number field needs to be single or double quoted? I couldnt work out how to do this in my script as kept erroring out.
The code for reference is below, I have took out all the joining table information as it is not relevant:
I have a script that is using sqlplus to pull information from a database. I need this in a excel report to then email to the business.
I have done it to create a csv file, looks fine but when I then open the file with excel the phone numbers have any leading zeros removed.
How can I retain the leading zeros when opening in excel? I have managed this before but cant remember how, I think the number field needs to be single or double quoted? I couldnt work out how to do this in my script as kept erroring out.
The code for reference is below, I have took out all the joining table information as it is not relevant:
# Set up the various script variables.
# run sql to get all Orders for Last 24 hours
`/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/bin/sqlplus -S DB/DB@SCHEMA >> orders.csv <<EOF
set head off
set pages 0
set feedback off
set linesize 600
select distinct TO_CHAR (T.CREATED_DATE, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')||','||TO_CHAR (DD.DELIVERY_DATE, 'DD-MON-YYYY')||','||rtrim(a.web_order_id)||','||rtrim(ps.product_number)||','||rtrim(n.title)||','||rtrim(n.forename)||','||rtrim(n.surname)||','||rtrim(CD.DAY_PHONE)||','||rtrim(CD.EMAIL_ADDRESS)
from blah blah
and t.created_date between sysdate - 24/24 and sysdate - 0/24;