I am new to the objects in Crystal reports and I am having trouble even getting started opening and running from VBA.
I want to run a report that imports directly to an Excel spreadsheet via VBA.
When I use
Dim cryrep2 As CRAXDRT.Report
Set cryrep2 = cryapp.OpenReport("H:\WeeklyUpdates\EDdiversity\Test_ED_Div.rpt")
and then;
I get the error after specifying how I want to export;
"Server has not yet been opened"
Crystal is looking at an Oracle database but when I try to open that using connection object of ADODB I get an error about tnsnames?
Is their something fundamental I am doing wrong (probably?!), does anyone know about any good books/resources on the subject?
Thanks in advance...
I want to run a report that imports directly to an Excel spreadsheet via VBA.
When I use
Dim cryrep2 As CRAXDRT.Report
Set cryrep2 = cryapp.OpenReport("H:\WeeklyUpdates\EDdiversity\Test_ED_Div.rpt")
and then;
I get the error after specifying how I want to export;
"Server has not yet been opened"
Crystal is looking at an Oracle database but when I try to open that using connection object of ADODB I get an error about tnsnames?
Is their something fundamental I am doing wrong (probably?!), does anyone know about any good books/resources on the subject?
Thanks in advance...