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Opening and reading from a binary file larger than 2GB 2


Mar 2, 2025
Hi All,

Long time VFP programmer, first time poster on this forum. I have a program that compares 2 files by opening each using fopen and reading a certain block size from each and compares them in a loop. This has been working fine for me for decades. Unfortunately I am starting to run into the problem of VFP 9.0 not being able to deal with files larger than 2GB this way. I've looked to see if there was some file object I could use to get around it but so far no luck.

I did see something suggesting CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject') but that was for a text file. I tried it anyway and used OpenTextFile and ReadLine() but it didn't work. At some point the comparison was false even though the 2 files are identical.

I'm guessing the answer is no, but is there any object that can be used to low level open a file larger than 2GB and read data from it as blocks and not lines?

I think you have two choices, either find a way to split the files using a utility (64 bit presumably) or use VFPa
for this particular effort.

For splitting take a look here

While there's no built-in support for low level functions to do this, the solution will depend on how you want to manage the comparison.

If it's a text based file, you can run the FC (File Compare) program built-in to Windows, then send the output to a text file, then you can write something that parses the output file, instead of parsing the whole file.

If the files were similar, chances are the output from FC will be relatively small.
1) use ADODB.Stream - https://www.tek-tips.com/threads/open-file-as-unicode-utf-16-and-save-as-utf-8.1818112/ 2) use API - https://github.com/VFPX/Win32API/blob/master/samples/sample_346.md DECLARE LONG CreateFile IN kernel32.dll STRING @, INTEGER, INTEGER, INTEGER, INTEGER, INTEGER, LONG DECLARE INTEGER ReadFile IN kernel32.dll LONG hFile, STRING @ lpBuffer, INTEGER nNumberOfBytesToRead, INTEGER @ lpNumberOfBytesRead, INTEGER lpOverlapped DECLARE INTEGER CloseHandle IN kernel32.dll LONG
I think you have two choices, either find a way to split the files using a utility (64 bit presumably) or use VFPa
for this particular effort.

For splitting take a look here

Thanks for the reply. I considered splitting but there might be issues with that I would rather avoid.

What is VFPa? I searched for that but other things came up that are not related to this.
Hi Rah,

The Scripting.FilesystemObject is basically using the same Windows API functions, which VFP also uses for it's LLFFs. The only difference is that VFP can only work with a 2Gb pointer. Therefor you can use it in the same way:

x = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")  && the FSO Object
y = x.GetFile(GetFile())   && pick your binary file and get a FileObject
z = y.OpenAsTextStream()   && get your  filecontent  // VFP FOPEN()

do while not z.AtEndOfStream  && like VFP FEOF()
 ? z.Read(100)    && get your content bytewise  // VFP FREAD()
 ? z.ReadLine()   && read full lines until CRLF // like VFP FGET()
 ? z.ReadAll()    && read the whole content // like VFP FileToStr() which is limited to 2GB
 ? z.skip(50)     && moves the pointer // caveat: no way to reposition at a specific position like BOF or EOF or any distance from there

For more help see: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/language/reference/user-interface-help/file-object
and https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/o...e/user-interface-help/openastextstream-method
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While there's no built-in support for low level functions to do this, the solution will depend on how you want to manage the comparison.

If it's a text based file, you can run the FC (File Compare) program built-in to Windows, then send the output to a text file, then you can write something that parses the output file, instead of parsing the whole file.

If the files were similar, chances are the output from FC will be relatively small.

Thanks for the reply. These are video files. But I see there is a switch for binary files so I will experiment with that. I didn't know windows had a file comparison program so this seems like a good possibility.
Hi Rah,

The Scripting.FilesystemObject is basically using the same Windows API functions, which VFP also uses for it's LLFFs. Therefor you can use it in the same way:

x = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") && the FSO Object
y = x.GetFile(GetFile()) && pick your binary file and get a FileObject
z = y.OpenAsTextStream() && get your filecontent

do while not z.AtEndOfStream
? z.Read(100)

Hi Woody,

I actually saw that solution and tried it but it was with ReadLine() and for some reason the comparison didn't match. But Read() seems like it's more like what I'm currently doing and could work so I changed the 2 ReadLine()s to Read(), did some tests and it worked!!!!! I just let out a BIG sigh of relief.

Hi Rah,

The Scripting.FilesystemObject is basically using the same Windows API functions, which VFP also uses for it's LLFFs. The only difference is that VFP can only work with a 2Gb pointer. Therefor you can use it in the same way:

x = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")  && the FSO Object
y = x.GetFile(GetFile())   && pick your binary file and get a FileObject
z = y.OpenAsTextStream()   && get your  filecontent  // VFP FOPEN()

do while not z.AtEndOfStream  && like VFP FEOF()
 ? z.Read(100)    && get your content bytewise  // VFP FREAD()
 ? z.ReadLine()   && read full lines until CRLF // like VFP FGET()
 ? z.ReadAll()    && read the whole content // like VFP FileToStr() which is limited to 2GB
 ? z.skip(50)     && moves the pointer // caveat: no way to reposition at a specific position like BOF or EOF or any distance from there

For more help see: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/language/reference/user-interface-help/file-object
and https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/o...e/user-interface-help/openastextstream-method
Nice to see you wOOdy. Tom
Thanks for the reply. These are video files. But I see there is a switch for binary files so I will experiment with that. I didn't know windows had a file comparison program so this seems like a good possibility.
Interesting. Now I'm super curious what you're doing with those comparisons in a database environment. Are you just checking to see IF they're different, and you don't necessarily need to know which bytes were changed? If that were the case, the file size alone would be all you would need to check.

I would think that once a video file is changed, knowing which bytes changed wouldn't be something you would track in a database system.
Interesting. Now I'm super curious what you're doing with those comparisons in a database environment. Are you just checking to see IF they're different, and you don't necessarily need to know which bytes were changed? If that were the case, the file size alone would be all you would need to check.

I would think that once a video file is changed, knowing which bytes changed wouldn't be something you would track in a database system.
Hey Joe,

The program is basically to dedup files. I run it in a source directory structure against a target structure. It compares a file in the source against files of the same size in the target. If the contents are a match it deletes the file in the source structure and moves to the next file. This is done regardless of the target's name or location so as long as it finds a matching target it deletes the source.

The file list from each structure is loaded into cursors using ADIR (although that doesn't return the true file size if its > 2GB but I have a workaround for that). So there is a database component to it, but I use VFP for everything I program for myself. My catchphrase is, "Soooooo much easier in FoxPro."

Like I said I've used this for decades but the files have gotten bigger where the 2GB limit is now a problem. I'm currently using it in a situation where I'm consolidating files from small external hard drives to a larger one and organizing them better. I only want to delete the files on the smaller drives if there is confirmation they are on the larger one. This way if something gets deleted by accident it will still be on the smaller drive and I can take care of it. Since the file structure on the larger drive will be different, and the files could be renamed, my program won't care and will delete it on the smaller drive because it knows it's on the larger drive.

Speaking of ADIR, does anyone know if there is an API that could tell me if the file or directory is actually a junction or symbolic link? That would help for a different program to mirror drives. I was going to post a new thread to ask that but I figure I'll ask here as well.

"I use VFP for everything I program for myself. My catchphrase is, "Soooooo much easier in FoxPro."

I'm guilty of that too. I've coded in xBase since the original CP/M version of dBase II going back to around 1983, so it essentially became my primary language for all sorts of non-database things too. I'm sure reading huge files would be a lot quicker in other languages, but for what it's worth, some FoxPro features are surprisingly fast, especially string manipulation.
"I use VFP for everything I program for myself. My catchphrase is, "Soooooo much easier in FoxPro."

I'm guilty of that too. I've coded in xBase since the original CP/M version of dBase II going back to around 1983, so it essentially became my primary language for all sorts of non-database things too. I'm sure reading huge files would be a lot quicker in other languages, but for what it's worth, some FoxPro features are surprisingly fast, especially string manipulation.

Yeah. The only thing more surprising to me that new languages are still being created is how complicated they make a lot of things instead of making it simple and straightforward as xBase. And I've done a lot of string manipulation programs both personally and professionally and, well to use my catchphrase, it's soooooo much easier in FoxPro.

In the early 90s I wrote a program in Turbo Pascal. The first thing I did was build a library of functions to mimic FoxBase commands and functions so it was like programming FoxBase in Turbo Pascal. My favorite was making functions for @ SAY and @ GET. Ahhhh those were the days :)
It bugged me for a while that they discontinued the language when they shifted to .Net, especially since they didn't really introduce an alternative for creating data centric language for desktop apps, which to me was a huge gap in day to day operations in most businesses.

Back in the 80s, just about every business could be improved by building a database driven app and xBase was the go-to way to get things done.

I looked for alternatives but eventually just resolved myself to be comfortable knowing that if nothing else, the fact that it HASN'T changed since 2009 is actually it's strongest feature. I've been burned more times than I can count by all the constant changes to their .Net platform that require countless NuGet libraries that break your code when they're updated.

Code I wrote in xBase in the 80s still runs. Code I wrote 3 years ago in .Net will give me countless errors when I allow Visual Studio to update the libraries or make changes to use newer libraries. It can drive me nuts.
I looked for alternatives but eventually just resolved myself to be comfortable knowing that if nothing else, the fact that it HASN'T changed since 2009 is actually it's strongest feature.

Code I wrote in xBase in the 80s still runs.
One of the main reasons I still use FPM 2.6 even though it is ancient. Just wish I could use it on modern equipment.
It bugged me for a while that they discontinued the language when they shifted to .Net, especially since they didn't really introduce an alternative for creating data centric language for desktop apps, which to me was a huge gap in day to day operations in most businesses.

Back in the 80s, just about every business could be improved by building a database driven app and xBase was the go-to way to get things done.

I looked for alternatives but eventually just resolved myself to be comfortable knowing that if nothing else, the fact that it HASN'T changed since 2009 is actually it's strongest feature. I've been burned more times than I can count by all the constant changes to their .Net platform that require countless NuGet libraries that break your code when they're updated.

Code I wrote in xBase in the 80s still runs. Code I wrote 3 years ago in .Net will give me countless errors when I allow Visual Studio to update the libraries or make changes to use newer libraries. It can drive me nuts.
Yeah I always get nervous about upgrades. It's one of the reasons I still prefer to use Windows 7. Windows 10 does things I don't like, such as decide to reboot when I'm running a long process. But I think Fox upgrades were usually reliable.

Actually I still use VFP 6.0. I only opened the package and installed 9.0 about a year ago because of the additional parameter for ADIR to have it return the actual case of a file. Then I found out how to get around that in 6.0 so I still mostly use that.

Now if I can find a way to identify Junctions and Symbolic Links in VFP I can write a more versatile version of ADIR. I still have to start that other thread.
Just look into http://hexcentral.blogspot.com/2013/05/filesystemobject-performance-issues.html

I tested a file comparison with FSO and Windows API ReadFile and both are equally slow, you may test for yourself:

Function CompareFiles(tcFilename1, tcFilename2)
   #Define GENERIC_READ             0x80000000
   #Define OPEN_EXISTING                     3
   #Define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL          0x70
   #Define BLOCK 8192

   Declares() && may also only do them once in main.prg or elsewhere you do API declares

   Local lcFilename1, lcFilename2, lnHandle1, lnHandle2, lcBuffer1, lcBuffer2,;
      lnFileSize1, lnFileSize2, lnBytesRead1, lnBytesRead2, llFilesEqual

   If (Left(tcFilename1,2)=="\\" Or Substr(tcFilename1,2,1)=":")
      lcFilename1 = tcFilename1
      lcFilename1 = Sys(5)+Sys(2003)+"\"+tcFilename1

   If (Left(tcFilename2,2)=='\\' Or Substr(tcFilename2,2,1)=':')
      lcFilename2 = tcFilename2
      lcFilename2 = Sys(5)+Sys(2003)+'\'+tcFilename2

   lnHandle1 = CreateFile(lcFilename1, GENERIC_READ, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0)
   lnHandle2 = CreateFile(lcFilename2, GENERIC_READ, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0)

   llFilesEqual = .T.
   lnFileSize1 = -1
   lnFileSize2 = -2

   llFilesEqual = (lnFileSize1=lnFileSize2)
   If Not llFilesEqual
      Return .F.

   Store 0 To lnBytesRead1,lnBytesRead2
   Store BLOCK TO lnBytesToRead1, lnBytesToRead2
   Store Space(BLOCK) To lcBuffer1, lcBuffer2

   Do While lnBytesToRead1+lnBytesToRead2>0
      If lnBytesToRead1 < BLOCK
         lcBuffer1 = Left(lcBuffer1,lnBytesToRead1)
      lnBytesRead1 = lnBytesRead1 + lnBytesToRead1
      If lnBytesToRead2 < BLOCK
         lcBuffer2 = Left(lcBuffer2,lnBytesToRead2)
      lnBytesRead2 = lnBytesRead2 + lnBytesToRead2

      llFilesEqual = llFilesEqual And (lcBuffer1==lcBuffer2)
      If Not llFilesEqual

   llFilesEqual = llFilesEqual AND (lnBytesRead1=lnBytesRead2)
   Return llFilesEqual

Procedure Declares()
   Declare Integer CreateFile In kernel32;
      STRING  lpFileName,;
      INTEGER dwDesiredAccess,;
      INTEGER dwShareMode,;
      INTEGER lpSecurityAttributes,;
      INTEGER dwCreationDisposition,;
      INTEGER dwFlagsAndAttributes,;
      INTEGER hTemplateFile

   Declare Integer GetFileSize In kernel32;
      INTEGER   hFile,;
      INTEGER @ lpFileSizeHigh

   Declare Integer ReadFile In kernel32;
      INTEGER   hFile,;
      STRING  @ lpBuffer,;
      INTEGER   nNumberOfBytesToRead,;
      INTEGER @ lpNumberOfBytesRead,;
      INTEGER   lpOverlapped

   Declare Integer CloseHandle In kernel32;
      INTEGER hObject

Compare using FSO:
Function CompareFilesFSO(tcFilename1, tcFilename2)
   Local lcFilename1, lcFilename2, loFile1, loFile2, loStream1, loStream2, lcBuffer1, lcBuffer2,;
      lnFileSize1, lnFileSize2, lnBytesRead1, lnBytesRead2, llFilesEqual, loFSO

   If (Left(tcFilename1,2)=="\\" Or Substr(tcFilename1,2,1)=":")
      lcFilename1 = tcFilename1
      lcFilename1 = Sys(5)+Sys(2003)+"\"+tcFilename1

   If (Left(tcFilename2,2)=='\\' Or Substr(tcFilename2,2,1)=':')
      lcFilename2 = tcFilename2
      lcFilename2 = Sys(5)+Sys(2003)+'\'+tcFilename2
   loFSO = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")  && the FSO Object
   loFile1 = loFSO.GetFile(lcFilename1)
   loStream1 = loFile1.OpenAsTextStream()
   loFile2 = loFSO.GetFile(lcFilename2)
   loStream2 = loFile2.OpenAsTextStream()

   llFilesEqual = .T.
   Store 0 To lnBytesRead1,lnBytesRead2
   Store Space(BLOCK) To lcBuffer1, lcBuffer2

   Do While Not (loStream1.AtEndOfStream AND loStream2.AtEndOfStream)
      lcBuffer1 = loStream1.Read(BLOCK)
      lnBytesRead1 = lnBytesRead1 + Len(lcBuffer1)

      lcBuffer2 = loStream2.Read(BLOCK)
      lnBytesRead2 = lnBytesRead2 + Len(lcBuffer2)
      llFilesEqual = llFilesEqual And (lcBuffer1==lcBuffer2)
      If Not llFilesEqual

   llFilesEqual = llFilesEqual AND (lnBytesRead1=lnBytesRead2)
   Return llFilesEqual

Code is not complete in the aspect of checking whether the to be compared files exist, but that shouldn't be a problem when you process list of files actually existing as found by ADIR. Just notice a file name is extended by curent drive and directory, if that's not part of the filename passed in, ADIR will only contain file names, not paths and so this still is to be adddressed to avoid problems. I merely concentrated on the code necessary for block by block comparisons.
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If you talk about file shares on file servers (and similar) also take a look at this:

I realize your scenario is about generations of external drives. At least that's how I'd describe it in short by what you describe with smaller (presumably older) and larger (presumably recent) drives stroring things like backups.

Well, it's not totally off: The deduplicaiton that's built into Windows server also addresses backups. But it's clearly not about storing them on generations of external drives. And I'm surely understanding why this would be done for many reasons, too, like backups detached from the running servers not being prone to malware attacks, etc. etc.

I also wrote some routines about file deduplications and I worked with the checksums of files, precomputed at best, so no time taken to compute them per file, but also computing them just for the first block of a file and only going into detailed file comparisons where file size AND first block checksums match. That means much more sparse comparisons.
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