I know the file is unformatted (what form, I don't know). But it contains about 8 arrays of like 19 (probably more)large numbers. The thing is, I get an error: end of file.
When I try to run it, and get the second number....
current code:
integer*4 nh
real*4 m200
open (unit=20,file,form='unformatted',status='old',err=100)
read (20) nh
read (20) m200
print*, nh, ' ', m200
When I try to run it, and get the second number....
current code:
integer*4 nh
real*4 m200
open (unit=20,file,form='unformatted',status='old',err=100)
read (20) nh
read (20) m200
print*, nh, ' ', m200