Are you on an INTRAnet or will you be on the INTERnet? If you are on an INTRAnet, then may I suggest splitting your database. Basically. You would split your database (open the database. Keep all tables, forms, queries, etc. closed. Click Tools - Database Utilities - Database Splitter). This creates two files - one with just the tables (Backend), the other with queries, forms, macros, etc. (Frontend). They will be linked. You would place the BE on the server. You would then make a replica of your FE (Tools - Replication - Create Replica). You would do this as many times as needed (one for each user). The replicas would then go on each individual client. They then have access to the same data (the tables on the server), but they can do their own individual work (creating forms, queries, etc.). Then once a week or whatever, you can sync the different FE's (Tools -Replication - Synchronize Now). That's a very quick review. It's in any good Access book. It's actually pretty straight forward, and quick to set up.
If you're talking INTERnet, then the easiest would be to have a Windows Citrix server. Then your clients can just login remotely and your Access database can just be stand alone.
DAP's - I've placed an Access databases on the Web for the Maryland Department of Transportation and others. First, forget what you know about how an access form transfers data to another form or query. With Data Access Pages (DAP), you're creating WEB PAGES. Thus to transfer data from a page to another you need to write cookies. The language you'll be using will be VBScript or JavaScript. Remember, you're coding in the Internet Explorer environment, NOT ACCESS. Also, I've found most IT departments aren't familiar with the XML produced by DAP's. So they'll tell you to rewrite it in ASP or something. DAP's been around for about 6 years, yet few IT people have learned it. There are other pain in the neck nuances about coding Access for the web - it's a loooong learning curve.
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