My Mozilla client would need to recieve an XUL string (a string of XUL
tags forming a valid XUL document) and to 'inject' it a a window that
it would have opened.
Solution 1 : window.document.write(). But it only works with HTML
Solution 2 : for telling mozilla
that the document wil be of XUL type. After that, I can use DOM
functions to insert the XUL content in it. Unfortunately, only works with HTML contentType!
Solution 3 : loading in the opend widow an empty XUL file (so that
Mozilla sets the correct contentType) and filling it with XUL tags via
DOM functions. But it doesn't work! (Why?)
So, I can I load my XUL string in my window.document??? Any other
tags forming a valid XUL document) and to 'inject' it a a window that
it would have opened.
Solution 1 : window.document.write(). But it only works with HTML
Solution 2 : for telling mozilla
that the document wil be of XUL type. After that, I can use DOM
functions to insert the XUL content in it. Unfortunately, only works with HTML contentType!
Solution 3 : loading in the opend widow an empty XUL file (so that
Mozilla sets the correct contentType) and filling it with XUL tags via
DOM functions. But it doesn't work! (Why?)
So, I can I load my XUL string in my window.document??? Any other