Is there a way to open a report from criteria based on its sub-report? I have a report that displays projects (from tblProjects) and a sub-report(from tblProject_Updates) in that report that lists all the updates (if any) for each project. The two tables are linked via the projectID (and so are the report and sub-report). I want to be able to open the report and while having it display every project, only show the updates within a certain range. However, when I perform a
pubCriteria = "(tblProject_Updates.updateDate BETWEEN #6/1/2003# AND #6/30/2003# )"
DoCmd.OpenReport "Projects", acViewPreview, , pubCriteria
It prompts me for tblProject_Updates.updateDate. How can I run a report from criteria based off its sub-report. I hope I made enough sense. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. (^_^)