I do way more VBA in Excel than Access, but this time I need to open a query in another db from my db. I'm basically using the same code to run the other db that the other db uses, with a modified Set db=OpenDatabase("path"). However, I'm having trouble with the password on the other db. The code in the other db to run the password is
DoCmd.OpenQuery "Logon_q"
DoCmd.Close acQuery, "Logon_q"
This gives a "can't find the object 'Login_q' error in my db. How do I open and close this query from my db?
If the square peg won't fit in the round hole, sand off the corners.
DoCmd.OpenQuery "Logon_q"
DoCmd.Close acQuery, "Logon_q"
This gives a "can't find the object 'Login_q' error in my db. How do I open and close this query from my db?
If the square peg won't fit in the round hole, sand off the corners.