Put a TOpenDialog component on your form, and change any parameters to the file types you want, the title of the dialog etc. There are a range of options to set as well.
Then with a suitable buttons OnClick event:
procedure TF_Main.B_open_errorClick(Sender: TObject);
OpenDialog.InitialDir := MyDir; // set your path
OpenDialog.FileName := ''; // your initial file mask
OpenDialog.FilterIndex := 1; // you can have multiple extension mask
// this uses the first (not zero based)
if OpenDialog.Execute then // execute the dialog
if not (ofExtensionDifferent in OpenDialog_errors.Options) then
{do something here with the default extension}
{do something if a different extension}
end //if OpenDialog
There is of course help for that component.
I don't know Kazza - but this sounds like a version of Windows Explorer, where you open select a directory and it displays the contents, or the My Documents button in Office apps. Am I getting closer to what you mean?
Don't know of a specific WinAPI function, but you could do the same with FindFirst and FindNext and fill a string grid with the contents. There is an example of this in the FindFirst help
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