I had a class in OpenGL last term and now I'm trying to
figure out DirectX instead. I figured out so far the basics I think (really basic like drawing a square on the screen....I used 4 points and did g_pd3dDevice->DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN, 0 , 2);
THe thing I'm wondering is that in OpenGL defining points is super easy, but in the Direct3d SDK it looks like I have to define all this extra stuff and allocate space it just seems a little confusing to me. I understand it all but it seems like extra work?
If anyone knows of an easier way then let me know or point me to a good web site with basic tutorials.
figure out DirectX instead. I figured out so far the basics I think (really basic like drawing a square on the screen....I used 4 points and did g_pd3dDevice->DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN, 0 , 2);
THe thing I'm wondering is that in OpenGL defining points is super easy, but in the Direct3d SDK it looks like I have to define all this extra stuff and allocate space it just seems a little confusing to me. I understand it all but it seems like extra work?
If anyone knows of an easier way then let me know or point me to a good web site with basic tutorials.