I try your Encrypt/decrypt function and the function don't works anytime. It seems like the string is too long then the function doesn't work.
Try your function with string : 11rrrrrrrrrrrrterwerwerwetwe
The function encrypt well the string but it doesn't decrypt the string that's encrypting before.
Effectively Dave, I found a solution. The problem was the transformation of value-128. I change the original tranformation by value+128 when it's under 0.
After test, it seems work. What do you think about this new code.
FUNCTION Mix (string1$,action$)
Dim Res$
Dim NxtChrVal%
Dim NxtChr$
Dim Stepper%
Dim cnt, x as integer
Res$ = ""
cnt = len(string1$)
Select Case action$
Case "E"
Stepper = 1
for x = 1 to cnt
NxtChrVal% = Asc(Mid(string1$,x,1))+(x*Stepper)
IF NxtChrVal% > 128 THEN NxtChrVal% = NxtChrVal% - 128
Res$ = Res$+Chr(NxtChrVal%)
next x
Case "D"
Stepper = -1
for x = 1 to cnt
NxtChrVal% = Asc(Mid(string1$,x,1))+(x*Stepper)
IF NxtChrVal% < 0 THEN NxtChrVal% = NxtChrVal% + 128
Res$ = Res$+Chr(NxtChrVal%)
next x
End Select
Mix = Res$
End function
I found an other problem when I use an accent letter like éèê (in french). I modified value 128 by 256 then a couple of lines was modified.
IF NxtChrVal% > 128 THEN NxtChrVal% = NxtChrVal% - 128
IF NxtChrVal% > 256 THEN NxtChrVal% = NxtChrVal% - 256
IF NxtChrVal% < 0 THEN NxtChrVal% = NxtChrVal% + 128
IF NxtChrVal% < 0 THEN NxtChrVal% = NxtChrVal% + 256
Good job Giles. I had actuallly moved to a version that was even more restrictive (only a portion of the 128 ASCII set). Your version should support the full unicode set.
Dave Griffin
The Decision Support Group
Reporting Consulting with Cognos BI Tools
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