I'm passing the form name with code in a command button so I can move and return to the same form (Main menu)
When NotiiceBN2 is closed I have in the form_unload event
If I enable command buttons on the form (NoticeBN2) to give the user the option to print reports I dont get my main menu back.
I can't find out why. If I remove the code to enable the command buttons I return to the main menu as planned when cancelling form NoticeBN2 otherwise I don't. Any help or pointers would be appreciated
stDocName = "NoticeBN2"
Me.Visible = False
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, OpenArgs:=Me.Name
If Len(Me.OpenArgs & "") > 0 Then
Forms(Me.OpenArgs).Visible = True
End If
Command15.Enabled = True