.The following code is used to open a word application. This code works when I test it by running it in a separate browser window through Dreamweaver albeit the fact that it dispays an active x message asking if I want to continue. However, the same code does not do anything in my application when I click on the 'Launch' button. Any ideas how I can open the application.
.Also, what would I need to do to get the word application to open in a frame called 'template2'.
Thanx in advance<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=VBScript>
Dim objWord
Sub OpenDoc(strLocation)
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application"
objWord.Visible = true
End Sub
<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON NAME="Btn1" VALUE="Launch Word" onClick="OpenDoc('c:/Program Files/IBM/VisualAge for Java/ide/project_resources/IBM Websphere Test Environment/hosts/default_host/default_app/web/WordFiles/SubScriber1/CHANGE REQUEST FORM.doc'>
.The following code is used to open a word application. This code works when I test it by running it in a separate browser window through Dreamweaver albeit the fact that it dispays an active x message asking if I want to continue. However, the same code does not do anything in my application when I click on the 'Launch' button. Any ideas how I can open the application.
.Also, what would I need to do to get the word application to open in a frame called 'template2'.
Thanx in advance<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=VBScript>
Dim objWord
Sub OpenDoc(strLocation)
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application"
objWord.Visible = true
End Sub
<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON NAME="Btn1" VALUE="Launch Word" onClick="OpenDoc('c:/Program Files/IBM/VisualAge for Java/ide/project_resources/IBM Websphere Test Environment/hosts/default_host/default_app/web/WordFiles/SubScriber1/CHANGE REQUEST FORM.doc'>