I want to open a window from our web site using a predetermined size and chrome settings based on the option the user has selected from a table option with an attached url. For now, the user clicks on the row and it calls an asp which determines the page type based on a parameter passed with the url (i.e., href=start.asp?pg=fullframe.asp). The start.asp uses window.open with the url and sets the features as required by the call. Problem is, start.asp seems to be opening its own window and then opening another window with the window.open call. Left as it is, there is another window left hanging around everytime you call start. And if I use a window.close within the script, some users (not all) get an alert message ("this page is trying to close your window. Ok?" This is very aggravating and confusing for the users. Can someone tell me how to improve this code to get the window I want and not get the errors?