I have MS Access 2000 on my machine . I have around 40 applications running in Access 2000 on my machine
My client has sent me an MS Access 2003 mdb file
I am unable to open that file from MS Access 2000
I am getting an error that my database is of a lower version and needs to be upgraded .
Can I open MS 2003 database on my machine without re installing MS 2003 on my machine.
I do not want to jeopardise the other 40 applications on my machine which are running on MS Access 2000
Is there some other alternative . Please suggest.
My client has sent me an MS Access 2003 mdb file
I am unable to open that file from MS Access 2000
I am getting an error that my database is of a lower version and needs to be upgraded .
Can I open MS 2003 database on my machine without re installing MS 2003 on my machine.
I do not want to jeopardise the other 40 applications on my machine which are running on MS Access 2000
Is there some other alternative . Please suggest.