Please could you help me.
I need to open a .CSV file in notepad++ using a dialogue box and then find and replace text.
Please how do I go about all these.
If you don't want to import the text file into Excel to work with, then VBA probably isn't the code you want to use anyway. You'd be better off using something else, possibly php or C++ perhaps? Of course, you'll have to know one of those to use them. I know I don't know nor remember enough to carry out something like that myself. I do think those languages would be great for it if you know either.
If you want to go the VBA route, DEFINITELY import to Excel. You'll have a lot more options with a lot less required work.
Come to think of it, php may not be best here either... you might would end up being better off (with php) to import it to a SQL table (whatever flavor is handy, probably most likely to be MySQL, SQLLite, or maybe PostGSQL or however it's called..)
Any C language should do quite well IF you know how to code in it.
You can import into Access also, and use either find and replace or sql update queries. Depending on what you are finding and replacing queries could provide some nice options.
And then export back out as a csv.
Speaking of queries, if this is a one off, then you could easily just import it into SQL Server (assuming you have one - if not, then ignore this option), and use it's power to do the number crunching in a query, or series of queries, for you.
Access and Excel both give good options for handling the data, and I do believe you can run queries within Excel as well, using MS Query. Access might be easier on that front - well, it would be for me, based on my usage.
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