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Open Database, query then make a string?

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Jul 16, 2003
i am very unexperienced with access so even for small things like this i need some help. i have a table(A) which has a one to many relationship with table (B) and i need to get all the fields from table B that correspond in table A.
i know i need to use the modeule builder but i dont know how to connect to the db and then run a query and then put that into a loop and continously concatinate the string to itself plus the new value(this is the basic procedure i am geussing cause this is how i would do it in PHP)

what is the syntax that i have to put together to

1. connect to the database
2.run a query that selects all the fields in table B which are relevant to table A
3. start a loop in which i can concatinate all the fields
4. reutrn the string

any help will be greatley appreciated, i feel like i am computer illetrate at the moment and this aint a nice feeling

What database (Eg. Access, Oracle, etc) do the tables reside in?

Do you want all fields in A and B or do you only want certain ones?

Are you looking for certain records in A (and B) or you want all records?

Why concatinate the fields? Without worrying about implementation, what is it you are trying to do with the records?
the database type is microsoft access

i want all the fields in table B that are tied to the primary key in table A but in access when u so this it will return a separate record for each field in table B that is equal to the field in table A

i am looking for specific records in table A but this always changes

why concatenate the fields, as i said i dont want a separate record for evert entry in table B i cause all the other values are still the same it is only the one specific field that changes, therefor i just want to return all the fields once and concatenate the column in table B that has multiple instance for the specific instance in table A.

i hope this is a bit more clear now, if it isnt then if it is okay withu can i mail u an ERD of the two tables and give u a more detailed explanation.

i was also told that crosstab query might be the solution but i havnt ventured that far yet

thanx for ur time and help, hope to hear from u
I'm also trying to figure out your logic, but here's something to open the discussion:
Function ConcatStringValues() As String
  Dim strSQL As String
  Dim strReturn As String
  Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
  strSQL = "SELECT TableB.StringVal FROM TableA INNER JOIN TableB ON TableA.PK = TableB.FK;"
  Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
  With rst
    While Not .EOF
      strReturn = strReturn & .Fields("StringVal") & ";"
  End With
  ConcatStringValues = strReturn
End Function


[sleeping]Unemployed in Houston, Texas
Here are some changes I think need to be made to the example in order to solve your problem, which (I think) is:

1) You want to connect to an external MS-Access DB.
2) You want all the fields from Table A
3) You only want 1 (or more, it doesn't matter) field from Table B resulting from the join with Table A.
4) You want to concatenate all of the fields in Table B resulting from 3).

Function ConcatStringValues() As String
On Error GoTo Err_ConcatStringValues

Dim strSQL As String
Dim strReturn As String
Dim rstTableA As DAO.Recordset
Dim rstTableB As DAO.Recordset
Dim dbs as database
Dim strWhereClause As String

Set dbs = OpenDatabase("C:\xyz\myDB.mdb")

strSQL = "Select * from TableA "
strWhereClause = "Where ..."

Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset(strSQL & strWhereClause)

' Do whatever you want with the resulting record

strSQL = "SELECT TableB.StringVal FROM TableA INNER JOIN TableB ON TableA.PK = TableB.FK "

Set rst2 = dbs.OpenRecordset(strSQL & strWhereClause)

With rst2
While Not .EOF
strReturn = strReturn & .Fields("StringVal") & ";"
End With

ConcatStringValues = strReturn

Exit Function

MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Err.Description
ConcatStringValues = ""
Resume Exit_ConcatStringValues
End Function
thanx to all u guys for the help, i have learnt more than i came to find out and each of u have helped me considerably and the information i have gathered here i am sure i will be able to re use in the near future everything seems to be wortking and if i get stuck again i know where to come...

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