Say I have a form in my first Div and want to pass field 'Name' from it to the second DIV (this second div is to be the IFRAME) on the same form.
how would I do that ?
so far I have,
function validate() {
var s = document.s1
<DIV ID=search>
<form method="post" name="s1" action="don't know what goes here, as I don't want to post back to this form, but to the IFRAME form?">
<INPUT Name="Name" Type="Text">
<input type="submit" name="Searchbttn" value="Search" onclick="return validate(this)" >
<iframe name=ifWorkspace id=ifWorkspace width=400 height=500 scrollbars=auto frameborder=0 src=SearchResults.asp></iframe>
thank you for any more info.
how would I do that ?
so far I have,
function validate() {
var s = document.s1
<DIV ID=search>
<form method="post" name="s1" action="don't know what goes here, as I don't want to post back to this form, but to the IFRAME form?">
<INPUT Name="Name" Type="Text">
<input type="submit" name="Searchbttn" value="Search" onclick="return validate(this)" >
<iframe name=ifWorkspace id=ifWorkspace width=400 height=500 scrollbars=auto frameborder=0 src=SearchResults.asp></iframe>
thank you for any more info.